Monday, February 16, 2009

Europe in trouble

Europe’s banks face a $2 trillion dollar shortage
European banks face a US dollar “funding gap” of almost $2 trillion as a result of aggressive expansion around the world and may have difficulties rolling over debts, according to a report by the Bank for International Settlements.

Europe's economic situation:

  • Eastern Europe, along with Russia and the Ukraine, are toppling over the edge. Austria, whose banks have lent them €230bn (75% of its GDP) will go with them.
  • Eastern Europe owes $1.7 trillion, $400 billion is due this year.
  • Russia has a $500 billion tab it may not be able to cover.
  • 60% of Polish mortgages are in Swiss francs, against which the zolty was just halved.
  • Hungary, the Balkans, and the Baltics are in the same boat.
  • Nearly all this debt is owed (and won't be paid) to Austrian Belgian, Greek, Italian and Swedish banks.
  • In addition, Europeans hold 74% of the nearly $5 trillion of emerging markets' debt.
  • The German economy will shrink nearly 10% this year, so Berlin will not be rescuing anybody either, not even partners Greece, Italy Ireland, Portugal or Spain.
  • The coming economic stress is the stuf that makes for pitchforks in the street.
Source: (as summarized by CKMichaelson at

Meanwhile Ukraine's gross domestic product has contracted by 20pc over the last year, apparently worse than early Bolshevism or the Stalin famine . . . if Ukraine defaults on its foreign debt – or lets its private companies default on their dollar and euro loans – it will lead to near instant contagion through much of Eastern Europe.


"This is your captain speaking, everyone remain calm, everything is under control. "


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