Sunday, February 8, 2009

The US economy: Crash the plane to steal the cargo

An airline as metaphor for the crash of the US economy: money is fuel in an airplane, financial institutions are fuel lines, and macro-economic statistics are the gauges.

February 8, 2009

We're in the middle of an unfolding economic disaster. Why are we so calm? Lol! Our captain reassures us that it's all under control. He asks everyone to remain calm. Our captain has told us, "we're experiencing a little difficulty up here, but nothing to worry about." Who are we going to believe, our own feelings or the captain? We all know what any good captain has to do about any passengers who persist in upsetting the other passengers--quiet the troublemakers. So we remain calm.

Once upon a time . . .

An airline pilot discovers that the plane's main tanks have run out of fuel. The captain switches over to emergency reserves. He knows the plane won't make it to a safe airport. They'll have to ditch in a field.

The captain doesn't want to panic the passengers, so he says, "we're experiencing a little difficulty up here, but nothing to worry about." He shuts down all but one engine to conserve fuel. He tells his co-pilots that they are not to blame because "no one could have predicted it."

When the reserve tanks are empty the last engine shuts down. The plane keeps flying, but in a steep descent. The passengers realize something is terribly wrong, but what could they do anyway?

The crew prepares for an emergency crash landing. As they get close to the ground the captain wishes he could use the engines for 1 minute--to make a safer, more controlled emergency landing. But alas, too late, he realizes he used up all the reserves, the engines can't be used during the final approach. The emergency landing is much rougher because of it.

No one applauds the landing, many people are injured. Passengers use emergency exits and leave the plane. Outside everyone sees the plane is damaged--beyond the point of ever being flown again. The captain tells everyone to remain calm and that help will arrive soon.

Soon trucks arrive. Men from inside the trucks threaten the people with guns. They unload the plane's cargo and drive away.

Years later, after the crash, investigators prove the fuel lines and gauges were tampered with so the plane would crash and the cargo could be stolen. The thieves were never identified--despite the fact that many similar crashes all occurred worldwide at about the same time.


Let me ask an outrageous question: Is this economic crash intentional and planned--"in order to steal the cargo"? If so, who are "they" and "how they are doing it"? Answer: it's the same old financial techniques used by IMF/World Bank to take-over and control lesser developed countries in order to steal their assets. It's a tried and proven method for extracting maximum resources from a country. The techniques are now being used against the developed world--corruption so huge that it's beyond belief. Lol! Maybe even economic coup d'état?

Never fear, with large enough bailouts, "It is as if there has been a silent coup d'état - instead of the taxpayers owning the banks, the banks now seem to own the taxpayers. They have been given access to the present and future earnings of the public, which will plug their mind-blowing losses."

If you have no idea what I'm talking about please read this (and hundreds of other posts like it):

"This is your captain speaking, everyone remain calm, everything is under control. "


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